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Joined 6 months ago

That would be sweet but I have never come across such a thing unfortunately!

Everyone knows it is gay to be a man, you are literally inside a man.

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Ireland's whole shtick is low corporate taxes which has lead to boom times in recent years. Makes sense they would want to uphold that reputation, but well played to them as this decision makes it a win-win. I guess they must take these taxes now, awww shucks.

How about we start with babysteps of not actively and vigorously committing genocide.

I agree wholeheartedly Larry so let's start with monitoring the sex dungeon where you keep the abducted kids locked up, you fucking bootlicking Orwellian psychopath.

If we close entirely the door to earning redemption, we only consign dissidents to the clutches of what they were trying to get away from in the first place.

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These men are voicing dissent during an active conflict, how the fuck is that the same as what happened at Nuremberg?? What more do you want?

Obviously a filthy anti-Semite.

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Armenian genocide could have happened yesterday, OP was drawing attention to the raging whataboutism that forms a central pillar of Israeli politics.

Today's lucky 10,000

Razed is the word they are looking for.

This row stretches back 8 years, that person already sailed into the sunset on a platinum yatch. This year's execs will get double platinum yatchs for finally putting this matter to rest.

What world is this dude living in? IDF is trying and failing to occupy Gaza as we speak. The same IDF that currently cannot stop Hezbollah from creating a buffer zone inside Israel, but he somehow wants to play uno reverse. Is he so deluded he doesn't remember what happened in 2006 when Israel tried to launch a ground offensive to occupy South Lebanon? The nuts have* taken over the nuthouse in Israel it would seem.

Commercial detection systems exist already although I couldn't vouch for their efficacy. How they will integrate with streaming however is another question.

I for one am excited for this phase of the cat & mouse game, as solving this challenge means keeping the monkey off our backs for good while longer.

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Even that they are failing hard at. Despite all the unimaginable cruelty and choicest Western weaponry, all they have succeeded in is causing utter destruction and wholesale slaughter; they have neither decisively defeated Hamas or broken the resolve of a people they have blockaded more or less since 1967. What a bunch of losers.

What are you pointing to exactly in that lengthy report pal? Graphic below seems pretty much on par with what person previous to you was saying.

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He will also be pleading guilty to being Batman and the Easter Bunny.

Even if it becomes impossible to block the ads out I will cover my ears, close my eyes and shout 'lalala' to avoid them.

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I guess the thousands of dead women and children just did not condemn Hamas hard enough.

My friend's dog was extremely self aware, more than most dogs I would say (not an expert), but would still try and eat its own poop.

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Typical Israeli behaviour, you see Palestinian flags defaced wherever they frequent up and down the 'hummus trail'. This shit has been going on for years.

Pray tell o' wise one what happens to the Ulster militia dug in for years when Ireland claims NI? Nah I'm sure they'll just pack up and leave and the remainder will join hands with their Catholic brothers and sisters in kumbaya.

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Wait, is it like that time we found the 9/11 attackers' passports in the wreckage?

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I know your comment was in jest but the backend of these apps runs on cloud, the frontend is still using your local resources and is usually a bloated piece of poop to boot.

Not sure why you're getting downvoted, there's a 2009 Bookings Institute policy paper that outlines exactly how US imperials plan to use Israel to wrangle Iran into a direct conflict. It even goes into details about how the US will stand on the sidelines feigning concern all while its rabid attack dog baits Iran.

More details here for anyone that wants to know more.

Maybe Israel didn't found Hamas as such but they certainly nurtured it like a baby bird.

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Although not exactly what you are looking for (ie custom counters on the landing page), you can view counters you are after on another page under 'Long-term Data > Query Log'

Reminds me of the time I had a nvidia GPU laptop and was distro hopping like a rabbit on crack trying to find something stable. Surprisingly enough it was Arch that proved to be the most stable and what I ended up sticking to.

How are you getting downvoted for this? It has to be paid shills cos no one is that stupid.

Even with Kuwait, he was given the go ahead by Madeline Albright who apparently told him what he does in his own backyard doesn't concern the US. He was their man in the Middle East until he got too big for his britches.

Burn it down Pookie, burn the motherfucker down.

seriously, make aws look like documentation kings

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Reminds me of that Dave Chappelle skit where the drug dealer is prosecuted like a CEO and vice versa. What a fuckery to end up living through the skit.

To be fair my Windows experience was far simpler than Linux, if less fulfilling. What got me was a combination of constant attacks on privacy, W11 and the enshittification of the UI as well as general Microsoft corporate tomfoolery (have dealt with them for work, not a fan of their monopolistic EEE tactics).

USA could have been in Afghanistan for 200 years and they still wouldn't be able to put together more than a humpty dumpty army. The problem isn't even Afghan ineptitude as such, the problem is that US policymakers start and stay completely ignorant to local cultures and customs wherever they decide to stick their dick.

This isn't some occult knowledge, a simple search will show many results concuring but here is one source:

In his book The Story of the Human Body, evolutionary biologist Daniel Lieberman writes: “The museum I work in has thousands of ancient skulls from all over the world. Most of the skulls from the last few hundred years are a dentist’s nightmare: they are filled with cavities and infections, the teeth are crowded into the jaw, and about one-quarter of them have impacted teeth. The skulls of preindustrial farmers are also riddled with cavities and painful-looking abscesses, but less than 5 percent of them have impacted wisdom teeth.”

“In contrast, most of the hunter-gatherers had nearly perfect dental health. Apparently, orthodontists and dentists were rarely necessary in the Stone Age,” he added.

...In 2015, researchers studied 292 human skeletons found in the Levant, Anatolia, and Europe that dated between 28,000 to 6,000 years ago. Their findings showed that people from more recent agricultural communities had smaller (and differently shaped) lower jaws compared to earlier hunter-gatherer people.

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plot twist: the law will apply to mainland USA

today I learnt, thank you!

If leaving to be relocated somewhere else isn't relinquishing your lands, then what is it? Do yo think the Israeli government will hold the place for the Palestinians that may eventually want to return? Also, no one wants the Palestinians, they are some of the poorest people on Earth and don't have fancy second passports like most Israelis.

Mate have you checked up on the UK these days? It is circling the drain itself and barely gives a shit about the country outside of Westminster. What makes you think they won't make a complete shitshow of it even if they could be arsed to get involved?

I have a feeling someone baked this cake just for the meme.