Sad, but rule

knightly the to – 297 points –

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Says the person who wants to vote for a man who is literally actively aiding in the murder of innocent children and families. Take your sob story to a therapist and stop projecting your own lived experience onto people you know nothing about. I’m worried about you. Do you need help?

Yes actually, but you think us suffering because of a profit driven healthcare system is an individual mental health problem rather than a collective political one. You wouldn't lift a finger to help me in any way. You don't care about my well-being, only belittling me so you can dismiss me as hysterical.

Keep on repeating your comfortable narratives about there being a better alternative to Biden. At least your vote won't make a difference. Who knows, maybe you'll stay home and not vote for conservative democrats at the local level?

Feel free to DM me if you want to talk about your personal problems outside of politics. I’m sorry you’re in need of help. You can be strong in the face of political adversity. Many oppressed people before you have and did not resort to suicide. You are a valuable member of society and people care about you whether you believe it or not and it has nothing to do with your identity. You are intrinsically valuable no matter who you are and I truly hope you can feel that in your heart.

I do vote in local elections and for house and senate. Just not playing presidential two party game of Saw.

You'd make the worst confidant or therapist too. You don't listen and you insist on talking down to me. I hope your partner and kids find someone who isn't a gaslighter, and I hope I never run into you in person 🖕