13 Post – 506 Comments
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Reddit sucks

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Ranked Choice Voting! Find your local RCV group and find ways to help get RCV implemented in your city! It’s something that sees opposition from republicans and democrats so you know it’s good.

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it's a car. it's not an app. stop trying to apply subscriptions to everything. it's wasteful to have unnecessary bloat for features people don't want.

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We don’t need more slaves to capitalism.

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AI is this decades .com boom. Brace yourself for the crash.

Hopefully setting a precedent for other states in similar situations. The states need to stop relying on the fed to protect them from radicals and get it done themselves. Their reliance on the fed has allowed extremists to thrive in their state and bleed into local politics.

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Curious what happens when it thinks a cis woman is trans.

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The fact this man didn’t get a shot at the office is proof that our electoral systems and rep/dem duopoly is failing us.

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Unfortunately, I think the people who should be sterilizing themselves are not the ones doing it. (not talking about eugenics)

For real. You know Pelosi is already investing.

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Don’t worry about these big guys. The straws are gonna save the planet.

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Imagine simping for this ugly, rich loser. I’d kind of get it if he was at least hot. Part of me thinks these simps are fake people that Trump and team created.

was the driver...non-white perhaps?

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All Israeli’s have to do military service and they get a bonus afterwards that they often use for travel. Thailand was full of Israeli kids when I went. Would be awesome if Thailand did the same.

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Depending on the monkey or ape species I feel like this is on par with torturing human babies or young toddlers. They’re completely helpless and as intelligent and self-aware.

Open-source is the only way to get a decent product. Being locked down by proprietary software from a few companies with an oligopoly over the market and the growing culture of disposable devices means they don’t give a fuck if works well or if it works past a year or two.

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👏 I love that this sets a precedent for parents. You can't just have kids, not parent them, and not be held accountable for their actions. I hope this is expanded across all similar situations, and even extends into other types of crime. raise a kid that does bad things, pay the consequences. then people will understand just how serious it is to create a life.

of course this is slippery slope, but in moderation i think this is fair. if parents did all they could to help the child and they still did bad things, they're not at fault.

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About time. Siri is a useless dinosaur of an assistant.

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Congratulations! You’re doing the right thing. Reddit is trash now.

Work of art

They should end all their leases and look for smaller properties to rebrand as a lobster roll shack type of spot near beaches.

Fried fish, shrimp, Maine lobster, clam chowder. Have a bar, serve east coast oysters. You could even do Cajun shrimp like Boiling Crab. Serve the seafood people want. They should try to be a more affordable cross between Bubba Gump and Legal Seafood.

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How does one die from turbulence aside from not wearing a seatbelt? Maybe banging into something in front or to the side of you?

I can’t imagine how much puke there was all over that plane after dropping altitude so quickly.

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Did anybody think otherwise? 30 years is not enough time to become a billionaire from scratch.

According to an earlier mental health assessment, doctors said the patient didn’t have any previous psychiatric diagnoses and wasn’t suicidal.

Sounds like a failure of the mental health system as much as the medical system. If you were seeing a mental health professional regularly and you had feelings about self harm, I would hope that this would be addressed before it happened.

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If they’re students, how are they trespassing?

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Americans just love being the biggest on the road. Bigger is better in their minds. Maybe we put an extra tax on very large vehicles.

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Wow. This is like those homeowners that were sued for blocking access to the beach in Malibu.

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Tell your politicians to support RCV legislation:

Fair Representation Act

Voter Choice Act

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This all true?

The risk of transmission from cows to humans is considered low, as the virus requires a large dose of virus to infect humans. Additionally, the virus is not easily spread through milk or other dairy products, as it is inactivated by pasteurization.

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So you inject some of those plastic-eating worms into your balls and problem solved.

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It’s because the leaders aren’t the ones fighting the battles or being targeted. They’re playing chess somewhere far from the violence.

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Idiots using lies to scare other idiots into following them. People need more education and experience with RCV.

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fair. they couldn't afford the lawyers that rich parents can.

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The women, and the children, too

Hijacking this comment thread to promote Ranked Choice Voting.

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This is how it should have been. Roe v. Wade was making people too comfortable with their state becoming radically conservative because they were still protected federally. Fix the problem at the source.

Politicians should be banned from stock market. Total conflict of interest.

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Russia trying to assassinate somebody? Never…

Sounds nice but often times people stand for something because they’ve fallen for something

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Windows Me. I play on hard.

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