One Dead and Dozens Injured After ‘Extreme Turbulence’ on Flight to – 129 points –
One Dead and Dozens Injured After ‘Extreme Turbulence’ on Flight

Recent research indicates that turbulence is rising and that climate change is a cause, specifically elevated carbon dioxide emissions that affect air currents.


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How does one die from turbulence aside from not wearing a seatbelt? Maybe banging into something in front or to the side of you?

I can’t imagine how much puke there was all over that plane after dropping altitude so quickly.

Heart Attack / Epileptic Seizure induced from massive fear/stress/anxiety.

Heart Attack is more likely, but a violent enough Epileptic Seizure can snap tendons, ligaments or your neck.

Edit: You could also possibly choke to death on your own vomit.

All those could kill you while secured properly.

Edit 2: All sorts of other stress induced cardiovascular stuff like a bursting aneurysm or irregular heartbeats for a long enough time untreated could also lead to death.

Yeah that makes sense. It’s a really intense experience.

I have been in a few car accidents in my life (none my fault).

Got whiplash, bruising... but the main thing is the intense shock, literal medical shock. Like you are not actually there, but at the same time everything is hyper real... its hard to describe.

As the adrenaline wears off you realize your heart is pumping like mad.

Its... its Donny from the Big Lebowski. Sometimes something that many people would just be shaken from, need a week off to recover... unfortunately, lots of people can't handle that stress, and their heart will give out.

Yeah definitely felt that before. Takes your breath away and the legs out from under you.

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Breaking your neck when your head hits the ceiling would be the highest probability.

In my experience, many passengers ignore the instructions to keep your seatbelt loosely fastened during flight.

I'm guessing that this incident is going to change a few things in relation to that lax attitude by having flight crew enforce seatbelt warnings.

I’ve definitely been in the bathroom during turbulence.

Haha seatbelts on the toilet might not be a bad idea

Do not eat chili and then get on a greyhound bus going over a mountain range.

I wish that damned commode had a seatbelt, fuck.

If you’re standing still and a car suddenly hits you at 20mph that’s pretty bad. The roof of an airplane is pretty bad too.

So no seatbelt or ur saying u could hit ur head on the roof even if you’re buckled properly?

Heart attack, but most of the injuries seem related to people hitting the ceiling, as many of the images in the article show holes in the plastic.

Ah for sure. Too traumatizing for the system. Yeah I imagine most are injuries from hitting things but hopefully most people wore their seatbelts.

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