Installing a package from external storage (help needed) to – 17 points –

So, I have a device running stripped down Ubuntu and I wanna get tic80 on it, I have a copy on a flash drive but idk how to install it. The machine is pretty much CLI only


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Cool. Thank you. I haven't looked into the changelog ever. Obviously this works for quite a while now (~2017?) without moving the deb-file to /var/cache/apt/archives/.

Now I'm looking for the directory. Would a USB be in /home?

Its a clockworkpi os machine

That depends on how you have mounted the device, as this is usually not done automatically. As I understand, your system doesn't have a desktop environment. So the you need to search e.g. the output of sudo dmesg after plugging in the USB stick, there should appear like /dev/sdb1 or alike. Then you can mount the partition e.g. to /mnt directory

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

You anyway can check the output of mount (without arguments) if and where the device was mounted successfully.

You later can safely unmount the USB stick by

sudo umount /dev/sdb1

I did sudo mount /dev/sda1 it returned this:

/dev/sda1: can't find in /etc/fstab

Yes, you need to specify the path where it should be mounted to. I proposed using /mnt.

Oh, thank you


The solution worked, the software is for arm tho.

My dumbass water this time only to realise ita not riscv compatible

What kind of system do you have? I assumed it was a small RPi like device.

Its a uconsole r-01

As it is its kind of terrible but looks cool. Might upgrade to a cm4 but would like to use the machine

So you need to build from source, as I don't see a prebuild version for RISC-V on their Github-page. As your system probably is supposed to be slim, you can try cross building from source on another computer. But if you are interested in doing that, please ask in a separate post, as I've never done that.

So basically use the source code elsewhere? I'll ask later, thank you