Installing a package from external storage (help needed) to – 17 points –

So, I have a device running stripped down Ubuntu and I wanna get tic80 on it, I have a copy on a flash drive but idk how to install it. The machine is pretty much CLI only


Hey man, we're living parallel lives. I literally just did this yesterday. The command you're looking for is gdebi. Try gdebi (name of the package's file, uncompressed to a .deb) if you downloaded the .Deb from the website. tic80 will now be a usable command. To uninstall the tic80 command / program you can use apt uninstall tic80. It worked with and without sudo.

gdebi, apt can also do this these days.

If the device has network access, then you can just wget it and install it.

Its not on apt, I tried that

So, as I understand you, you've got a copy of tic80-v1.1-linux.deb on a USB stick and want to install this.

After you've mounted the USB-drive, cd to the directory where the downloaded deb-package is located. Then run

sudo dpkg -i tic80-v1.1-linux.deb
sudo apt -f install

to install the package and missing dependencies.

Apt can install a .deb and its dependencies in one go.

Cool. Thank you. I haven't looked into the changelog ever. Obviously this works for quite a while now (~2017?) without moving the deb-file to /var/cache/apt/archives/.

Now I'm looking for the directory. Would a USB be in /home?

Its a clockworkpi os machine

That depends on how you have mounted the device, as this is usually not done automatically. As I understand, your system doesn't have a desktop environment. So the you need to search e.g. the output of sudo dmesg after plugging in the USB stick, there should appear like /dev/sdb1 or alike. Then you can mount the partition e.g. to /mnt directory

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

You anyway can check the output of mount (without arguments) if and where the device was mounted successfully.

You later can safely unmount the USB stick by

sudo umount /dev/sdb1

I did sudo mount /dev/sda1 it returned this:

/dev/sda1: can't find in /etc/fstab

Yes, you need to specify the path where it should be mounted to. I proposed using /mnt.

Oh, thank you


The solution worked, the software is for arm tho.

My dumbass water this time only to realise ita not riscv compatible

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