Silver lining: Lemmy.World hacked so I found an instance I like more! to – 60 points –

The hack made a good opportunity to explore other instances out there. Found one based in my area. Back in action!


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Afaik, unless had patched the vulnerability like the folks, the instance is susceptible to the vulnerability.

I almost made the rash, uninformed decision to close up shop on and move my community to another instance. Luckily I did some further reading, and yeah, unless whatever other instance I jumped ship to was also patched I would have just been wasting my time since this is a vulnerability in the Lemmy code and affects all instances until the admins apply a bandaid/the code is fixed.

It’s possible to move communities to other instances? How’s it work?

Not really, unfortunately. You'd have to create the community on a different instance, make a sticky post in the current community redirecting them to the new community, and then lock the community to prevent new posts. If you don't have a lot of content in the original community, or don't care about keeping it, you could delete the community after a week or two once people have subscribed to the new community to prevent confusion.

It isn't possible just yet, although there are issues on Lemmy's github for it.