Is it morally wrong for a 18 year-old man to have sex with a 48-year-old woman to – 7 points –

Hypothetically speaking if I a 18 year old man paid a 48 year old woman to have sex with me and I wear a condom and we both consented to it is that morally wrong or is it morally okay?

In my opinion I think it's morally okay if a 18 year old man pays a 48 year old woman to have sex with him as long as they are both consenting to it. Because what they're doing is completely harmless.


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I'd recommended googling, "Why is there an age limit for consent". I'd put a link, but I do not want that search connected to me in any way. When it comes to these issues, it is good to do some research to see if there is already an established researched reason before asking for random people's opinion on it. Sometimes, people get stuck in "bad" echo chambers that try to justify certain behaviors. The best thing to do is look up some studies on the issue to form an educated opinion on it.

Obligatory: I am against any form of pedophilia and do not support it in any way.

Im strongly against pedophilia because a prepubescent Child 13 and under does not know the long term social ramifications of having sex with someone. They can not informly consent to have sex with an someone.

A 21 year old having consensual sex with a 16 year old is not pedophilia and it is ephebophilia.

And I do not think ephebophilia is morally wrong as long the 16 year old is consenting to it and the 21 year old is not an authority figure to the 16-year-old because what they're doing is completely harmless.