Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news to – 1294 points –
Deactivating Facebook for just a few weeks reduces belief in fake news

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legit offline October is great, and works as a grassroots movement. I’m having an “offline October” is akin to when my friends and I do Dry July. I’m going to start doing this (despite the fact that I haven’t used social media in 2 years)

Gotta spin the news so it makes it more appealing. Good way to spin the headline is it "reboots your bullshit detector".

Has to be fully grassroots though. I don't think many influencers will promote it, they're the most addicted and it's literally their livelihood.

Instructions clear and understood.

You can find my part of this new online activism here

Dont forget to like, share and doomscroll the rest of my anti socialmedia propaganda 🤩