Ben Carson calls for making divorce harder to politics – 224 points –
Ben Carson calls for making divorce harder

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Might be an unpopular opinion, but divorce law needs some big changes. I spent over 50k fighting an ex in court as she tried to take my house and savings that predated our marriage. I don't have a problem with the no-fault part, that's fine you want out you should be able to leave, but property rights stuff and the cost of a divorce both need big changes.

This is a tough one because every divorce is different, and I don't want to turn this into a huge rant, but I'm still in this process and a woman I married only 4 years ago may take my house leaving my daughter and I without a home. She's also coming after my retirement accounts, some of which predated the marriage, and she's refusing to negotiate which has already forced me to take this to a judge for a decision. Financially, this has ruined my savings. I've maxed out credit cards fighting for my rights as a parent. Basic stuff here, I'm just talking about my right to have the kiddo 50% of the time shit like that.

I didn't do anything torid in this case she just wanted to leave, which again is fine, but she's essentially bankrupting me on the way out in a ploy to take my life savings and home. There is nothing I can do about this, it is how the process works in Colorado. Be careful before saying "I do", you're signing away a lot of your rights and property when you do that. Especially if there is a big difference in networth / socioeconomic status, consider a prenup. If he/she says no to the prenup, bail.

Prenups. Prenups should be standard for all marriages. Protects pre-marriage assets, determines how assets are split, and leaves little room for long, drawn-out divorce processes.

You can make those rational decisions when you're happy and rational, rather than when you're emotional.

My favorite cynical take is save yourself some time and effort, find someone you hate and buy them a house.

Be careful before saying I do kiddos, because jerks on internet forums will take that out of context.