Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much to Lemmy – 424 points –

Do any of them know what the word "liberal" actually means?


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Authoritarian Communist

I see this term used so often from the lofty reaches of some national news rag or echoing out of a Senate star chamber. The CEO is stamping it into an EULA, as an irrevocable term of service. The corporate union-buster is putting it up in 120 point font in a company wide mandatory power point presentation. The evangelical minister is denouncing it from the pulpit as part of a catechism call-and-response. The nosey neighbor is whispering it into the phone, hoping a SWAT team will remove someone from the block. The police holding you face down in a bucket of water are screaming it in your ears.

Beware the authoritarian communist. Beware the tankies. Beware the Chinese / Russian / Venezuelan social terrorists, fifth columnists, and outside agitators. Beware the college kid in the Che Guevera t-shirt. Beware the Anti-American. Whatever you think we might be doing to you now, they'll be ten times worse.

It's just a more politically correct way to say tankie.

I've never heard a cop called a Tankie.

But they're always the ones in the large militant unions demanding more public money while driving around in actual tanks.

To be fair, Chinese cops would probably be tankies.

Few carry guns. I don't think I've ever seen the Chinese police equivalent to the NYPD Police Tank that was used to raid the Columbia campus.

Meaningless distinction. Whether it's military or whatever. Whichever state supported group is shooting and beating and arresting protestors in China, they're tankies.

Whichever state supported group is shooting and beating and arresting protestors in China America, they’re tankies.


Nah, American Yeehawdists like their freedumb.

Similar but related bastardry.