Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?

The Stoned to No Stupid – 25 points –

Completely random stoned hypothetical. Lets day im old as fuck and I decide I'm ready and done. Could I have the same postmortem autopsy done on me while I'm still alive? Like give me a ton of drugs and let me watch myself get dissected as my final moments. I understand there is a legal and possibly moral concern, but is it really ethically that bad if I also want it? Like I'm not taking myself out at my prime, I'm nearly dead anyways. Lemme see myself cut apart that'd be cool as shit, only if I couldn't feel any pain though.


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I believe the technical term you are looking for is a “vivisection”.

And if you ask a surgeon to do it… “just to see” expect there to be some amount of shock. And maybe some very unfun drugs. Maybe a straight jacket…

Depends on the surgeon i would say. I would bet that there are other Joseph Mengele’s hiding in the world. He just needs to find some sociopath that is also a doctor.

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