Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63 to World – 641 points –
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63

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Iran is religious lead, so unlikely. The real leader is Ali Khamenei whos title is "Supreme Leader"

Also to add that Raisin was groomed to take his place, and apparently the guy Raisi was grooming to take his was also in the helicopter.

Khamenei is 85 years old.

That is actually pertinent information. If the supreme leader is seen as weak at 85, and the next two steps on the ladder are now vacant... Well let's just say that nature abhores a vacuum.

But it won't necessarily get better

Historically, things often have to get worse before they get better.

In the coming days we’ll see the course. Last year there were feminist revolts and protests, many women and girls were executed for them. It’s clear there’s still a divided political will, but the theocracy has maintained its monopoly on violence. If anything is going to change for the better it’s likely going to involve some assassinations