TCL demonstrates 4K gaming monitor with a 1,000 Hz refresh rate to – 121 points –
TCL demonstrates 4K gaming monitor with a 1,000 Hz refresh rate

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Who needs 4K when 1080 already looks sharp to the human eye.

Humans can't see more than 24 fps anyways

I think the perceptual limit is around 60 or 80fps, but don't quote me on that

as a rhythm gamer, I can say you're full of shit lol

I have 240hz and the difference between 120hz and 240hz is somewhat noticeable, don't see why I'd need any more than this though

Angular definition. You have to factor in screen size and distance to observer, otherwise it's meaningless

Who needs 1000hz 4k when 120hz 2k is already stupidly expensive to achieve with most AAA games