New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️ to – 210 points –
New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

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I have to believe at this point that a serious generation gap exists if there is an audience for this sort of constant monitoring. Because that's what it is.

Where it goes and whether Microsoft can be trusted are of course very valid concerns, but Jesus tap-dancing Christ, this is surveillance before the data go anywhere. Add that to your AI assistant that works best with the camera on, et voila!

No doubt Google is going to say "hold my beer," and there's no pure Linux offramp on the overwhelming majority of Android hardware, so even if you've told Microsoft to fuck off ...

I would say the vast majority of people (across all generations) either don't know, or don't really understand how extensive it (the monitoring) is and what the consequences of that are.

Just look at the number of normies who use Apple, Samsung, or vanilla Pixels as their daily driver. Unless you have a degoogled Android, all the major flagship devices are essentially surveillance and advertising powerhouses. People have embraced the willful ignorance part of this bargain. They think they need whatever proprietary garbage is offered by Apple, to the point that even their own privacy is too ethereal a concept to regret mortgaging it away in the tradeoff.