New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️ to – 210 points –
New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

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That closing quote is ominous:

"Recall is currently in preview status," Microsoft says on its website. "During this phase, we will collect customer feedback, develop more controls for enterprise customers to manage and govern Recall data, and improve the overall experience for users."

I read "so, yeah, we built in all the telemetry connections we swear we'll never use ... just for testing, ya know?"

more controls for enterprise customers to manage and govern Recall data

ahh ok so this is employee monitoring software

Probably more what MangoKangoroo and B0rax talked about, that enterprises can opt out of this telemetry, due to compliance or Intellectual Property protection.

So only the commoners get mandatory full-scale surveillance, Ehm I mean "ai enhancement"