UK watchdog looking into Microsoft AI taking screenshots to – 159 points –
Microsoft Copilot+ Recall feature 'privacy nightmare'

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You sound like Linux shit in your cereal, friend.

No, I sound like someone who likes many of the new AI-powered features that Microsoft has been coming up with lately.

I don't use Linux. I don't think about it at all, it doesn't affect me.

I like copilot in VSCode but MS screenshotting my shit can fuck right off

Which features do you enjoy?

Copilot has boosted my programming productivity significantly. Bing Chat has replaced Google when it comes to conceptual searches (ie, when I want to learn something, not when I want to find some specific website). I've been using Bing image creator extensively for illustrations for a tabletop roleplaying campaign I'm running. I still mostly use Gimp and Stable Diffusion locally for editing those images, but I've checked out Paint because of the AI integration and was seriously considering using it. Paint of all things, a program that's long been considered somewhat of a joke.