OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game to – 348 points –
OpenAI Just Gave Away the Entire Game

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Any pay wall that let's you read that much article before showing itself to be behind a pay wall can burn in hell and would have no hope of getting my business purely out of spite.

FWIW if you turn off scripts you can see the whole article.

I need a hot key on my android phone to just flip off scripts real quick instead of having to go three pages deep in settings to turn it on or off.

I just use the NoScript extension on Firefox, though it still takes a couple clicks to whitelist or temp-whitelist a site. Apparently uBlock Origin can do the same in Advanced mode, but I never got around to figuring it out.

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Just use Reader view or whatever that’s called in your browser. I use Arctic for Lemmy on iOS and it has a ‘default to reader’ for opening links. Can’t remember the last time I saw a paywall. There’s one news site that doesn’t work but it’s pretty obvious straight away.

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