In our post-AI era, is job security strictly mythical? Or How to believe in careers as a concept worth doing? to No Stupid – 79 points –

With the lastest news of AI layoffs, I'm struggling to understand how the idea of a career still holds. If careers themselves effectively become gambles like lottery tickets, how do we maintain drive and hopes in the longterm endgame of our struggles?

I know AI as an honest utility is itself a lie to some extent, but this only aids my argument further. People's career struggles are panning out to be valueless because of a nothing-fad that no one could have predicted.


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Job security became a myth long before AI.

The only person who won't fire you is you.

Someone's never had a depressive episode.

You are very wrong about that, but I still never fired me. 🤷‍♂️

UPDATE: Downvoted for admitting that I, too, have battled severe clinical depression. Well done.

I want to know who goes around giving a single downvote to entirely personal and uncontroversial comments. Happens to almost every single one of my comments. I’d rather have five or ten downvotes than just one. I dunno, I know I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it does.

Let it bother you, then don't let it ruin your day. People are delightful and strange. 🤷‍♂️