American arrested in Turks and Caicos over ammo found in bag gets suspended sentence of 52 weeks* to World – 92 points –
American arrested in Turks and Caicos over ammo found in bag gets suspended sentence of 52 months

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5 legal cases so far. Hordes of people in this and similar threads trying to hang tourists from the nearest tree because they enjoy guns.

5 cases is not very many, considering how long guns have been legal in this country and illegal in others. Doesn't seem like a problem at all to me, just check your shit if you commonly carry murder implements around. 🤷‍♂️ Idk what else to tell you, these people didn't even get punished.

This change is like a month old in T+C. It’s 5 in a short period.

And I bet they never forget to check their bags for tools of death before international travel ever again. I really don't know how you could, if that's something you commonly carry around. It would be on mind constantly.