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she’s a black woman? Seems like that’s enough for a lot of people.

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It turns out climate change is bad for business. Better shut them up because the oil lobbyists say we’ll be fine.

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If you’re willing to commit outright fraud, lots of crime is easy. But also the penalty for ever being discovered can be severe.

They also didn’t deny it happened. They would check logs before paying out.

A score is 20 so 24 hostages is not “scores”.

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Where is the per state data? I’m interested

Agree with this. Also the US is definitely not monocultural either, despite the desires of our loudest countrymen.

Energy is a global market.

If gas prices increase sufficiently where the pipeline gas is consumed, some suppliers that supply the UK may consider rerouting gas supply to capture the increased price and profit. This means less supply for the UK which increases prices there also until there’s a balance. Higher prices mean people will use less gas until the supply in each area is enough to meet demand.

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This is from August 19, not 26.

Because everything you said is bullshit

Don’t ignore the mystery part. With the migrant boat the outcome was immediately known. The sub outcome was unknown and people love to wonder.

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I’m planning to do the same thing as you are. Hopefully only 4 years out now…

Yes I’m sick of the pontification around valid targets for Ukraine. They have been invaded. Any Russian anything is a valid target until they leave.

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A lot of women are killed or severely punished for normal activities. They would not be harmed if they were men.

What’s it called when you kill a group of people who share a particular national or genetic trait?

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Good luck with your lead poisoning issue

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Thanks! My son also has this toy

God this was a trip down memory lane. Thanks for this. I miss bash.org stuff, maybe some of the old ytmnd stuff, new grounds flash portal, etc.

And IRC…

You know what people are a majority of the world? Women. Women are people.

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To be fair if you’re gonna use a measure like “scores” in 2023 you’re inviting criticism for using it incorrectly.

I stand behind anything the Ukrainians decide is a valid target. Well not literally. If I hear it’s civilian, that’s Russian propaganda.

Civilians living on stolen land on top of the graves of its murdered inhabitants are absolutely valid targets.

Mr. Freeze was a brand of freezies.

There’s more than one to pick from, but I’ll go with having 2 X chromosomes as my least favorite

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I haven’t followed the effect of this particular shock on gas prices but generally with any supply shock it’ll depend on the magnitude and duration of the shock. The bigger the damage and longer it takes to repair means less gas delivered in the same time period.

If the shock is big and/or long (giggity), then I’d expect it to affect anywhere in Europe gas can be redirected from.

Today or next week might be a different answer based on the speed of innovation currently. Check out this sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m_MWfu72TQWiCV5aEH_Kb9PCFcqlRQK5a0yWl-XUjZI/edit#gid=0

This change is like a month old in T+C. It’s 5 in a short period.

Thank you for your reply and maintaining my faith that intelligent life still posts on Lemmy.

The only thing that would happen is confiscation and denied entry.

And what is your point? That imprisoning those people for 4 years is good and fair policy and other countries should do it too?

I have never said anything about gun rights in relation to this case at all. I was suggesting that the other posters extremist views stem not from applying reason but instead from their prejudiced political views against guns. Just like your posts can’t get around your prejudice about my political views.

Regarding the actually substantive part of your reply: I am not simply applying US law standards in my argument. Intent is a globally recognized legal standard that actually stems from British common law and applies in T+C law as well.

I agree with most of the rest of what you said here about why their laws exist, but the application of it to these tourists in a tourism focused economy is wrong. This is at the end of the day a customs issue. Imprisoning a vacationing grandmother for 2 loose rounds would be insanity.

In your previous post you offered nothing substantive at all. You literally searched my post history to see if I was a member of any groups against which you’re prejudiced so you could feel better about dismissing my arguments without actually addressing them. That’s pathetic.

And again as far as accountability goes, I never suggested they shouldn’t be held accountable. Only that the years long prison sentences are absurd given the facts.

5 legal cases so far. Hordes of people in this and similar threads trying to hang tourists from the nearest tree because they enjoy guns.

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If you’re from elsewhere it will go as I said.

Show me where I said that they shouldn’t hold him accountable? Or the others, including the grandma?

But yeah sure make it about political beliefs instead of facts.

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Have you ever been to the range? How much ammo did you use? If you wanted to smuggle and sell ammo into another country for money, how much would you bring? Would you bring your wife and book a vacation stay?

Then you should try reading the article. It describes 4 of the recent cases. In those cases people were not found with guns and had 2, 2, 4, and 20 rounds of ammo respectively.

Go to the gun range once and you’ll understand that’s not smuggling ammunition for criminal use. That’s an oopsie I forgot that was in that bag.

Because of the quantity and having a brain.

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You missed the part where I wrote “in smuggling cases”.

ETA: you also listed examples that do require intent… like omg I accidentally fucked a 17 year old.

Or omg my car just drove itself too fast.

What? Think then type.

Do you realize there are 5 cases already like this? Do you know why? Because this mistake is super common.

Do you realize that means this probably happened dozens of times a year before this recent change took effect? And that all those people in the past returned home with their ammo completely undetected by anyone, including themselves?

You know what something’s called when nobody even notices it happened?

Harmless. Absent of harm.

You see how it says “illegal” there? In smuggling cases there has to be this other thing called “intent” for it to have been illegal.

If a Mexican gets some codeine at a Mexican pharmacy, forgets it in their bag, and flies into the USA we don’t pay tax money to imprison them for years. We take it, ban them, and send them back.

Why? Because they are careless, not smugglers.

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You are wrong, that is not true at all. We confiscate the items, sometimes deny entry, and sometimes ban future entry. It happens all the time with pharmaceuticals, produce, and any number of other goods that are legal elsewhere but not here. Spending tax money to imprison people for years over minor cultural differences and misunderstandings is absolutely brain dead policy.

There are already 5 cases like this because this is a super common mistake and T+C recently implemented a change in their policy for handling it.

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You keep using that word. It isn’t smuggling, it is forgetting a round of ammo in a bag. Your view on this is extreme. There is nuance in the world..

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I didnt say it wasn’t irresponsible and I didnt say give them a pass. I said don’t give them years in prison for an honest harmless mistake. Maybe ban them from returning? Something less extreme…

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