Reminder... to Lefty – 1038 points –

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So, which would you rather?

i refuse to choose between them

Then Ms 8h account with their full name (deeeeefinitelty not a shill, deeeefinitelt a genuine user. Yeah people on Lemmy toooootally use their full name as if it were facebook), I'll just have to conclude you're trying to sway leftists not to vote for Biden, so the world ends up with trump.

I hope you're unsuccessful.

Okay đź‘Ť Please do explain your whacky logic though. I came to the conclusion you're a troll because you're not really engaging by explaining your position beyond: "I don't wanna, it's a lie! The media is lying!!"

Go learn maths, go understand the mechanism behind the spoiler effect. Go look at the literal mountains of examples of it in play. Unless you think it's just some massive coincidence that every first-past-the-post system trends towards two parties.

I'm very keen and willing hear to any actual logic you bring to the table to justify your belief.

Go learn maths, go understand the mechanism behind the spoiler effect.

this condescension is really inappropriate.

Sorry, that's my bad. Your initial response was quite frustrating.

Emotions are high because this election affects people around the world, and hearing that you don't care enough to make a difference, is not very pleasant.

I apologise.

you don’t care enough to make a difference,

if the difference i made put biden in power, i would feel terrible. same for trump. so i will vote for someone i do want to have the office for 4 years.

Alrighty, then I suppose you just aren't voting. Which is your choice, just as long as you're clear on that.

Your candidate is not going to win, and I think you know that.

And if you think these choices are equally as bad, that's a whole different topic that let's not get in to.

they don't need to be equal for neither of them to be acceptable

For sure, I wouldn't like voting for either, also.

Just that if they're not equal, then that means you have a preference. And I hope you will act on that preference and make a difference, instead or just making yourself feel good that you've voted for the candidate you liked best.

You've been robbed of that choice by your voting system.

I would feel terrible if my vote helped put either of them in office, so I can't justify voting for either of them.

Well I suppose for voters like you, then yeah, go vote for your candidate. Just seems odd that you're saying you don't think their equally bad, but instead of then making a difference to ensure the less bad option wins, you'd rather make yourself feel good for voting for someone you like best.

May the gods have mercy on us mere vassals who are watching from the sidelines.

Stay safe in these troubled times friend, and thanks for engaging, even if at times it got a bit heated and apologies for offence caused.

you asked for the same explanation in three separate comments in succession. perhaps you could wait until you get teh explanation before badgering me.

Yeah we have many separate threads now. Apologies for this.

i don't mind having many threads. it's at least partially my doing. but having redundant conversations across them seems like a giant waste.