Building a brand new machine and leaving Windows for good to – 98 points –

I'm sick of Windows, and especially what it's become, and the way its trending looks like it will only get worse. I'll be building a brand new PC this summer and want to choose a Linux Distro instead. In preparation, I'd like to try out a virtual machine with a Linux distribution. I am solidly familiar with Ubuntu, but I think it's time to try something that may cater to my specific needs more.

I use my machine for work and gaming (mostly Steam). I am a fullstack software developer and use a second MacBook as well for my daily work needs.

I've had Manjaro, and OpenSUSE recommended to me by a friend who likes both of them but he doesn't game much and doesn't need various software development tools.

Are Manjaro or OpenSUSE good choices? I know there's a tonne of distros out there, and I'm trying to narrow things down a bit. Hopefully this community has some helpful advice.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: First of all, thank-you everyone for your help and positivity. It's been less than a day and the amount of advice and ideas is fantastic. Not too mention the noticeable lack of negative comments (a huge reason I left reddit more than a year ago), thank-you all for reaffirming my reasons.

I've got to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed by all of the advice, but in a good way. I will be scrutinizing all of this advice and laying it out into a roadmap for both my distro testing, as well as PC building. You are all making this community a helpful and spectacular place. I hope one day to be able to pay it forward! Please keep it up!


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I personally prefer Debian or Linux Mint (Edge edition). They're very, very solid.

But the real question is, why are you building a new PC? If you already have a PC and you want to leave Windows behind, all you have to do is nuke Windows and install Linux (after trying first a live CD to make sure it works for your computer). You see, if your PC is a bit old, as long as you have 8+ GB of RAM, and a CPU of the last decade, you're ok with Linux. Linux needs ~1/3 the RAM Windows needs. Only 3D games might require a faster cpu and gpu, but Linux won't.

I'm building a new PC because my current one is quite old. I won't retire it though, and have yet to figure out what I'll do with it (probably stick another Linux distro on it too 😆). I'm hoping to take advantage of having a brand new setup as an opportunity to be done with Windows completely.

That's exactly what I did at the start of this year. I made it a point to get an AMD graphics card. Glad I've never had to deal with Nvidia issues.

That's what I did a couple of months ago. New PC, got rid of Windows and moved to Arch. The old PC is running Arch as well, and acts as our media PC.

definitely keep windows on it to begin with. once you're fully settled-in on linux and haven't even looked at windows for at least a couple weeks, make one last backup... then nuke it or repurpose it.

Mint is amazing, but it isn't the best gaming experience.