Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames to – 615 points –
Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames

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You could say the same thing about literally any industry and it would be just as true

I could probably say the same about AI and crypto and mega yachts sure

But healthcare, housing, education, childcare, sustainable green energy, sustainable food production.. All of them seem way more important than sending more junk into orbit.

I mean you could say the same thing about the whole entertainment industry, or the whole tech industry, or basically anything else that isn't directly necessary for human survival.

All of them seem way more important than sending more junk into orbit.

Do you know what actually goes into orbit? Mostly 4 categories: communication satellites (both commercial and governmental), scientific monitoring, ISS support, and military satellites. Every satellite we send into space has a purpose. Without satellites, we don't get: widespread aerial imagery, accurate weather forecasting, GPS, widespread ecological data, etc.