new preference war just dropped to Programmer – 706 points –

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The original was posted on /r/ProgrammerHumor by /u/polytopelover on 2024-05-26 21:23:20+00:00.


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In Elixir, we mark statuses by using a question mark at the end of the variable name. Something like this:

authorized? = user |> get_something() |> ensure_authorized?()

I like this better than the is_ prefix

does '?' have type definition in elixir or this is generally agreed design pattern?

If it's like Lisp, then ? is just part of the symbol and doesn't have any special syntatic meaning. In different Lisps it's also convention to end predicate names with a ? or with P (p for predicate)

jealously weeps in ruby

We do this in Ruby all the time, we just prefer methods over variables, usually.

def authorized?

I'm a principal backend engineer routinely writing Ruby for my day job, so I'm familiar, lol. But you can't do it for local variables and that just sucks. Definitely a +1 for Elixir.