It's time to move to Linux - YouTube to – 454 points –
It's time to move to Linux

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unless youre using Photoshop or Adobe as a senior youre just barking at a tree. Several of those software can be used on linux through Wine or they have a professional direct app. Krita/Gimp/Inkspace, KDEnLive/DavinciResolve, LibreOffice, etc.

unless youre using Photoshop or Adobe as a senior youre just barking at tree.

That's the point. The problem is that it doesn't require the user to be senior to run into issues, it just requires them to be a professional user who has to collaborate within an industry that is standardized around some specific propriety software and people expect formats from that specific software.

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I wish I could switch to Inkscape, but it's not there yet.

It is really good lately and only getting better, but there are 2 major issues I have with Inkscape.

  1. Tabs (as in, tabulation, the \t character) in text objects. You can find workarounds, like splitting your text into multiple objects and aligning them on your canvas, but it's just not as good as being able to align your text using proper text alignment tools. Tabulation doesn't work in Inkscape because it's not in SVG spec, AFAIK.

  2. Object styles. Again, there are workarounds, but they're not as good. Can you create a text style called "numbering", use it to number a lot of stuff in your document, then just change font family (or make it italic, or bold) all of the numbers at once by changing the "numbering" style? I don't think it's currently possible. Sure, inkscape is not a word processor. But can you make an object of style "banner" with a blue gradient fill, orange 2 px stroke and 50% transparency, use it multiple times, then when you need to change from blue gradient to red gradient just change the "banner" style? Again, there are ways to achieve this, but if you do this kind of stuff, inkscape is just not ready to replace your tools.

Don't get me wrong, I really want to switch to FOSS all the way and wait for these things to get implemented. As soon as they're there, I'll be the first to make the switch. But it's not now, unfortunately.

If I'm wrong, I'll be happy to stand corrected.

Pretty sure there also are 2 features Inkscape/Krita have, that Photoshop doesnt. You know how ridiculous that sounds? Report/request those features, otherwise itll never happen for you.

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