Proposed Texas GOP platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral changes that would lock Democrats out of statewide office to politics – 316 points –
Proposed Texas GOP platform calls for the Bible in schools, electoral changes that would lock Democrats out of statewide office

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people are getting ready to face the consequences of your complicity.

Oh shit didn't realize I was the boogeyman singlehandedly keeping American politics in gridlock.

I'm perfectly aware that American Conservatism has quickly backsled into fascism, and I know the establishment neo-liberal wing on the Democratic Party ignored it.

Part of my family barely survived the Holocaust, and the rest of that wing of my family was killed, I'm perfectly aware of what fascism is and will do.

I'm just saying that telling people "it's all over you're doomed you better take to the streets and do revolution" won't fix the situation literally at all.

I’m just saying that telling people “it’s all over you’re doomed you better take to the streets and do revolution” won’t fix the situation literally at all.

That's not what people are saying, and certainly not what I have been saying. Fucking wake up for fuck's sake. Jesus christ.

Go ask Neville Chamberlain how it worked out to try the business as usual route.

certainly not what I have been saying.

Then what are you saying??? Because so far all I've heard from you is.

"Neoliberals ruined it all, voting is pointless, go buy a gas mask, and you need to go into the streets and riot to confront fascism."

No one is “frothing at the mouth for violence”, violence is here, people are getting ready to face the consequences of your complicity.

Nobody fucking wants to have to confront fascists and protest and riot, people want a normal life, unfortunately that is not going to be possible given the situation you’ve put us all in with your politics. Neolibs have ignored the political fight they were charged with and instead tried to sweep it under the rug so they could keep cashing those lobby checks, and now the disease literally cannot be ignored and has metastasized into literal fascism.

Vote for Biden all you want, I’m trying to warn you that it’s too late whether he wins or not, and you need to wrap your head around the reality of what you’re dealing with. No amount of jelly-spined fascist lite democrats are going to get us out of this hole, and the longer you labor under that delusion the more the fascism takes root.

violence is here

Nobody fucking wants to have to confront fascists and protest and riot

Neolibs have ignored the political fight .... tried to sweep it under the rug

Vote for Biden all you want, I’m trying to warn you that it’s too late

No amount of jelly-spined fascist lite democrats are going to get us out of this hole

Tell me what the message of this is supposed to be other than this:

"Neoliberals ruined it all, voting is pointless, go buy a gas mask, and you need to go into the streets and riot to confront fascism."

To me they come off the exact same.

Also, if the democrats aren't the answer, who is? Where are you planning to pull institutional support to battle the fascists? Or are you just planning to go into the streets and yell about it aimlessly?

if the democrats aren’t the answer, who is?

I've made a clear distinction that I'm attacking establishment democrats and neoliberals. Stop trying to muddy the distinction, it's dishonest.