Rule to – 578 points –

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I mean, given it's a Magic the Gathering card, it should be something more like

You have protection from everything with more than five lines of rules text. (This includes reminder text.)

Though this needs a mana cost too

Well akshually pushes up glasses it's not exactly the same but if they made this card they'd probably make it read "You have protection from wordy (Something is wordy if it has four or more lines of rules text.)". Gotta use the key worded ability.

I'm not an mtg person, would protection mean only enemy spells? The original is your own too. Would be cool to have a board wipe that couldn't affect you

No, protection applies to everything with the quality.

Protection from [quality] (This can't be blocked, targeted, dealt damage, enchanted, or equipped by anything [quality].)

Protection doesn't mean indestructible though. A spell like Wrath of God would still destroy a permanent with protection from it, because it doesn't target or damage the creature.