3 Black passengers sue American Airlines after alleging racial discrimination following odor complaint

Wilshire@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 114 points –
3 Black passengers sue American Airlines after alleging racial discrimination following odor complaint

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Flight attendants on a power trip on American Airlines is to be expected, same as United

That being said, I have been on flights, specifically out of Paris CDG, where there are male individuals of African descent that you can smell 20 yards away. Literally. There is a cultural factor regarding body odour here

Cultural smells are interesting. In Japan, they find the strong scents of perfume, cologne, and even shampoo that westerners wear to be intolerable and people at restaurants will discreetly ask to change tables to move away from those wearing it. They are more sensitive to fragrances there while Americans have fragrance in almost everything.

Of course, the most respectful thing to do when traveling is to just take a shower and wear a neutral deodorant so that you're not giving off any unique smells.

This situation sure sounds like it blew up into a racist power trip though.

perfume, cologne, and even shampoo that westerners wear to be intolerable

Apparently I'm secretly Japanese because I am so fucking tired of every product I use increasing their scents to intolerable levels.

Irish Spring and Pert have gotten to stupid levels of scent, and trying to find scentless soaps and shampoos is really tough now.

Cultural smells are interesting. In Japan, they find the strong scents of perfume, cologne, and even shampoo that westerners wear to be intolerable and people at restaurants will discreetly ask to change tables to move away from those wearing it.

See, stuff like that makes me like Japan and then I turn around and read something like there's a tentacle porn-based toddler splash pad in Kyoto.

For me it’s that the country is hostile to foreigners. You can get arrested for stepping out of your hotel room without a passport.

In my experience, human smells at/from Paris CDG is less a Black Man thing and more a France thing. You might want to observe the rest of the other passengers more carefully.

Although I respect your opinion, that is definitely not my experience

I am of French descent, but have never lived there, and travel to France, Spain and Switzerland often. I was last there three months ago and will be there end of July for the Olympics.

I have never smelled anyone from Asia, Europe, Latin America, or Oceania that smells anywhere near some of the smells you get from some people of African descent, Senegal, Algeria, etc.

Just my two cents

Edit: Just to clarify, there are millions of dark skinned French and British people that do not share this characteristic. I believe this smell is purely cultural

lol I’ve lived with more French than you. Stereotypes often have a basis in reality