Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women to – 280 points –
Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women

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I can clearly see this around me.

Not only women, but also elder men, who are really educated but lose their lucidity in front of fake news on the web. I guess it’s also because they come from a time where you were not swimming in fake news.

And sometimes, even if they think it might be fake news, they just send it to you to get your opinion on it.

My mother, an otherwise brilliant woman, was convinced that Prilosec causes Alzheimer's

Luckily I've basepilled my mom enough that she doesn't fall for this sort of crap.

My father watches Fox News every morning and then I hear about him pissing himself he’s so excited about it. Literally. I hear it from his nurse when we text every night