
10 Post – 400 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well what I meant is that if Gnome was taking so much inspiration from MacOs, being a Gnome user, I wouldn’t have felt lost on MacOS.

I also don’t mind Gnome taking what’s great from every other OS, as it’d clearly be stupid not to if an idea is great.

I also think that people should be more open minded about what others are enjoying. I prefer Linux, but I can also understand that some people just want to have the most compatible OS with everything, aka Windows. Or the best ecosystem, aka Apple.

It is not my choice, and I’m trying to convince people to switch to something else, but just badmouthing their choice when it has objectively some advantages isn’t gonna help.

For me the most annoying thing with Windows is the ads and the fact Microsoft is pushing you to buy into their stuff.

I clearly love Linux way more, but I don’t think Windows (10 at least) is as bad as some people make it sound.

Still I’m trying to convince everyone I know to switch to Linux.

I’ve only spent a few hours on my wife’s MacBook Pro which was still running Catalina (now Fedora) back in the days, and I didn’t think Gnome and MacOs were so similar.

To be honest I felt a bit lost on MacOs Catalina and felt like everything was difficult compared to Gnome.

But I guess Gnome is taking a lot of inspiration from the MacOs aesthetic, and it’s okay with me because it looks great.

I don’t have a lot of experience with other DE on Linux, but they lack the clean aesthetic of Gnome.

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It’s a really interesting article about something we might not think about.

It’d be interesting also to try to see how much money they can save by using a lower bitrate or saving energy by using less servers.

It’s a lot of things we take for granted when we’re just watching a show and you don’t think about all the work behind it.

I wasn’t really against Reddit when I left to go on Lemmy. It was mostly to try something which is luving because of its users.

Now I’m glad I did.

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I ain’t a super Linux user, but I find it crazy that so many governments aren’t scared to put their data in the hands of US corporations like Microsoft of Apple.

I work for the state in Geneva, Switzerland, and my employers gives me an iPhone and forces me to use Windows at work.

I know that developing your own Linux distribution or any other solution is difficult but my country is even using a foreign cloud service instead of a swiss one😨

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I hope everyone keeps putting some pressure on legislators about such things.

We have to remind companies that buying is buying.

I wish there was a petition for my country.

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Apple is making really good hardware but we should stop buying it because of what they are doing against repairabality or because of the fact that they trying to capture you in their ecosystem.

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Well whoever is taking them away should reimburse the clients if they were not made aware that they didn’t own the show but were just renting it.

These behaviors are dangerous and shouldn’t be legal. You press « buy », you own the product, not the right to watch it for a few years.

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I’ll probably buy an electric car one day, but I’ll be paying a lot of attention to its repairability. We have to make sure brands understand that « programmed obsolescence » isn’t accepted by everyone!

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I love what fairphone and some other companies are doing.

Still some of their earphones got a 1/10 reparability on ifixit, so I’d really check how reparaible these ones are.

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Happy to be almost degoogled when I read such things.

If only it was easy to get rid of YouTube..

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Good news I guess as I’ll never again buy a new computer which can’t be upgraded in the long term.

It ain’t my vision anymore and I hope more and more consumers think about buying second hand or buying upgradeable computers.

I can clearly see this around me.

Not only women, but also elder men, who are really educated but lose their lucidity in front of fake news on the web. I guess it’s also because they come from a time where you were not swimming in fake news.

And sometimes, even if they think it might be fake news, they just send it to you to get your opinion on it.

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It’s good that these bad practices are being talked about.

I hope Firefox remains big enough to keep being an actor in the web landscape.

While I’m not blaming you, what you’re saying is really the problem in our society.

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When I read this, I’m glad I ain’t using windows anymore.

If it was turned off by default, it would be different as people would be consciously choosing. But turned on by default should be illegal.

As some people are saying, a lot of this isn’t gonna be legal in some countries.

The article is really interesting and all your comments too.

For now I have a negative bias towards AI as I only see its downsides, but I can see that not everyone thinks like me and it’s great to share knowledge and understanding.

I’m just talking about keeping your data and those of your citizens away from Apple and Microsoft.

I don’t know enough about the nazi gold, but whatever your country is, I’m sure it has a dark history too. Still this is in no way related to the original post.

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And to think I was recommending Avast to everyone when I was still a teenager.

I should’ve known as « if it’s free, it means you’re the product », but I was naive.

And even when you’re paying, some companies are still selling your data apparently.

An alternative to iTunes so that I don’t need a Windows VM to backup my company iPhone. But I know it’s never gonna happen because Apple is the devil.

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In Switzerland there was apparently some kind of loophole in the tax system which allowed you to register your pickup truck as a company vehicle (and pay less) even when you don’t have any company or if you are just working as a hairdresser..

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I really like the idea of these phones and I’d really buy one of my employer wasn’t providing me a phone and allowing me to use it for my private stuff.

Of course, it might be expensive for the hardware, but just look at the price of a non repairable and non ethical iPhone.

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I didn’t get the technicalities, but, if it’s not just greenwashing, then every effort is welcome.

Still, the best energy is the one we don’t use and leaving nature as it is is way better than destroying it and finding some damage control.

Interesting. I really hope we can grow Lemmy while not losing its identity.

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Clearly you should be able to choose between an install without anything on it, an install with just a few apps and an install with all basic apps.

That would be perfect. We shouldn’t forget that a lot of beginners are using Linux for the first time with Ubuntu and you shouldn’t ask too much of them otherwise they’ll just go back to windows/apple.

That’s why I’ll keep buying physical for the games or movies I love.

The only question I have is what’s gonna happen as game discs are just becoming an access token to download the game and its updates.

I’d have nothing against digital games or movies if you didn’t see such behaviors.

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I can’t agree as I love Gnome and now feel lost when I have to use windows or MacOs. The way it uses the workspace and the way your screen isn’t cluttered with informations is great for someone like me.

And extensions are there to help you with almost every limitation you encounter.

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It’s an interesting article and I’m also starting to think more and more about game preservation.

I don’t understand why a company like Sony wouldn’t provide you a way to play ps1-3 games on your ps5. I would even be ready to pay for it.

There might be some technical problems I’m not seeing, but people can do it on older pc’s..

I guess the whole video game industry has to think about preserving its own history.

I don’t know if open sourcing games would help, but something needs to be done.

Even playing a game like Sim City 2000 on pc is proving challenging now on Windows. I would want to play it on Linux but I can’t imagine how difficult that would be as the game isn’t even listed in Proton DB. And the VM solution would probably not work as Steam wouldn’t support something like Windows XP…

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Every year I allocate 100.- (around 100$) to share between every geeky project I want to support.

My list includes: Lemmy, Memmy, Joplin, Wikipedia, Organic Maps, Gnome, Thunderbird, Firefox, peertube)

I could give more, but I could give less.

I’m also trying to support the Linux Experiment with Patreon.

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Yeah apparently the newer ones got a 10/10 on ifixit so it’s way better and it’s what I would probably buy if I was on the market.

Yeah Lemmy is really a perfect replacement without any big downside. I really enjoy the community and the help you can get from it.

I’ll never understand how someone can get paid like that. If Mozilla was destroying the opposition, I’d get it though.

I always admire the people taking a lot of their free time to do something beneficial for the community.

Be it as a maintainer, a small basketball coach. a village politician.

I’ve always thought about one day giving back everything I’ve received like that, but I haven’t done yet. Right now I have excuses with a difficult parental situation, but there has been many moments where I could and I just haven’t.

So congratulations and thanks to the ones doing it 👍

I love Gnome as it looks nice and is so efficient once you know how to use it (using different workspaces)

I’ll soon install a KDE distribution in Gnome Boxes just to try it and see what it’s about.

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I might be dumb but I still don’t understand the use of such a download manager.

I mean I guess I have an integrated download manager in Firefox and it’s sufficient for my user case.

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It’s just a shame that these Macs will never be something I could buy when they become really cheap on the second hand market since you can’t upgrade the Ram or change the SSD.

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Finally, a good decision. I’ve nothing against touchscreens, but not for everything.

Also, generally their software is so bad. I’m using a new Skoda Kodiaq at work and its GPS is a nightmare compared to older cars.

Just the fact that you can browse Lemmy without seeing advertisements is really nice.

Still, the systems depends on the will of individuals to maintain servers and it’s a bit scary to know that an instance could be gone in an instant if the maintainer doesn’t want to pay for electricity anymore.

It’s attractive if you already have an Apple product lying around. Otherwise I’d just avoid that brand or get a second hand one..