Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’ to politics – 395 points –
Biden camp warns Trump could still get re-elected with ‘unhinged campaign of revenge’

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Joe Biden only won by like 43,000 votes across swing states in the electoral college. This journey is not over

It's wild to think he's willing to potentially lose to a literal felon just to protect a genocidal right-wing zealot.

It would be the most final indictment of neoliberalism one could imagine.

i think he's betting on the pro-isreal-no-matter-what people who vote more reliably for the establishment than the left-leaning young who usually don't vote for the establishment.

the later is a is chicken and egg problem because there's not much reason for a progressive to vote for a centrist, so the centrist doesn't try to reach out to the progressives; cementing a lack of votes from progressives for a centrist.