Any tips to improve HTC Vive performance on Manjaro? to Linux – 21 points –

Hi all!

Would love for any tips for improving performance for my HTC Vive. I have a 1070 but still have a nauseating amount of stutter which kinda makes it unusable.


Edit: Worth noting that I'm seeing a bunch of pink lines on the SteamVR display graph.


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Check out Envision which uses Monado to replace SteamVR. It’s a lot smoother for me but requires some extra setup.

Envision which uses Monado right? Edit: looks like there is a more up to date version here:

Looks pretty interesting and might fix the audio-output issue I currently have with my Vive Pro.

Are there any issue with games in Steam not recognizing that VR is available if SteamVR isn't running?

Yeah that’s the one it’s quite easy to set up and test. I haven’t had any issues like that so definitely give it a shot.