Sanders reups vow to boycott ‘war criminal’ Netanyahu’s address to Congress to politics – 298 points –

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This is a similar argument for accelerationism in Marxism. That we should make the world as capitalist as possible because the system will fail quicker and get replaced by something more just.

It's hard for me to believe that this would actually work in either case. The destruction in the meantime would be too great and it may reach a point where we can't climb back. In the case of Trump, he wants to be a dictator, and he may push voting rights so far in one direction that the people won't have a say at all.

It's not accelerationism...

It's the opposite

I want to stop both parties from moving further to the right

If I keep voting for one no matter how far right they go, then there's no pressure to ever stop, slow down, and especially not start moving left.

I've tried a lot over 20 years, nothing works, if anything the party has become more antagonistic to progressives.

Will they listen and move left?

Probably not.

But what else can I do that has a better chance?

Have you seen Biden's response to protests? Primaries are a joke, my only option on ballot this year was Biden, and he had crowned himself months earlier anyways. And it's already been multiple cycles since the DNC told a judge it's totally cool for them to rig it, because the results are nonbinding.

They canceled a fucking states primary this year...

That was a big fucking deal

So seriously, if you have any better solution I'd love to here it