MTG spreads bonkers conspiracy theory that "Deep State" convicted Donald Trump to help drag queens to politics – 288 points –
MTG spreads bonkers conspiracy theory that "Deep State" convicted Donald Trump to help drag queens - LGBTQ Nation

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Most Trans people I know don't give a fuck about politics, and just want live their life with those they love. Can we please stop bringing them into the political sphere as some wacked out agenda trying to overthrow the government?

No, because conservatives need an enemy they can all hate. And it needs to be an enemy who is at the same time vastly powerful and hiding everywhere, but also weak and easily defeated. And now that they lost the fight on gay marriage, they need an even more marginalized group.

I feel like of all the ubiquitous, ultra powerful groups in the world, trans folks are like, close to the bottom of the list due to them being vastly outnumbered and not at all militaristic. I think puppies would be a better bogeyman.

I think puppies would be a better bogeyman.

Kristi Noem has entered the chat.....

Ah, but ARE they a tiny minority? They could be anyone, ANYONE, and you would never know, until it was too late!