
7 Post – 217 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

W is younger than both Biden and Trump, the fact that we have geriatrics running is the real problem

Do you want President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, cuz that's how we get President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

Don't worry, even if things end up a bit, too heavy we'll all float on, alright!

But we have alot of bombs, and big boats with bigger guns. Murica!

Did this literally with a bag of caltrops and Animate Objects, I got the biggest look of disgust from my DM, it still brings me joy to this day

Don't forget the government bailout when their gamble fails.

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The US military has a soft spot for dead babies.

Dump my body unceremoniously on the lawn of a billionaire.

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Almost like we're sick of killing each other for the gains of the wealthy and powerful.

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Uh-oh, we bout to have a dead judge!

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Like American Marijuana laws, the cops didnt really care about people smoking weed, it was a convient way to put black people in jail.

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If you see something, say something... and get shot.

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Capitalism must create scarcity to justify its existence.

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Rule 34 surely cannot apply to.... oh, oh God, what is... no it can't be, I mean I've heard he shits himself regularly but... in his own mouth, how?

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In the lane, my panties glistening.

Jail, I vote Jail, please I wanna see that bastard in a jumpsuit

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If paying for something dosent mean I own it, then piracy isn't stealing!

Bonus; if you survive no one will help you!

TBF the British Monarchy would eat tomatoes on their pewter plates, because of the acidity the tomatoes would begin to dissolve the plates, Injecting various poisonous elements into them.

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I hate that these are usually rage bait titles, but this is legitimately terrifying

He's already won with 97% of the vote!

The other 3% have their execution dates set.

It's fine, just make sure you still get to work, your health and safety means nothing if your boss can't have a 3rd vacation home.

Then how would you arbitrarily fine your citizens?

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My car is manual, and my work car was automatic, I've done this several times

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Oh yea, that justifies murdering thousands of civilians!

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Police aren't here to keep you safe, they're here to keep you in line, step up and get shot.

Most Trans people I know don't give a fuck about politics, and just want live their life with those they love. Can we please stop bringing them into the political sphere as some wacked out agenda trying to overthrow the government?

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Also has co(us)in, communism unlocked?

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The rich seem to love buying up as much land as possible, so I propose throwing them into volcanos.

Jesus christ right!! I'm curious how much they made off that data.

Land of the not so free, home of the cowards.

So thats why they say not to give your password to anyone.


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Mother I think they dropped the bomb.