Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare to – 1288 points –
Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare

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Ready to be surprised but I doubt they would leave it on mobile only, bringing it to the desktop feeds into their model for a cohesive brand environment across all your devices.

That's the part I would consider leaving it. Unless they opened up the sourcecode. Apple has been extremely shitty lately, but they have managed to toe just short of the line wrt their desktop systems at least. The resulting outcry+backlash from IT professionals, scientists, engineerings, educators etc. if they forced this would be a severe blow to the company - which doesn't mean that their greed wouldn't make them try.

Maybe I'm just a doomsayer, but the same backlash that has been oh so successful at keeping climate change/environmental policy in a good place? -_-