Number of monthly active Lemmy users rising again to – 792 points –

First time this happens since a few months


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Those were getting so out of hand.

u/OP: "What's a good mouse for a mix of productivity and gaming"

u/DefinitelyNotABot: "A good mouse for a mix of productivity and gaming is something you should be looking for if you need a mouse that is good for work and play. A good mouse for productivity and gaming will have a good balance of performance and features. Fortunately, finding a good mouse for a mix of productivity and gaming is not difficult due there being plenty of mouse options available to you[.....]"

What's the point of those types of bots, though? I guess they're just trying to have vaguely genuine looking accounts to use for some future purpose, maybe political or advertising related.

My best guess is karma farming so they can sell them off. Probably create hundreds of accounts they can sell off. If some brand buys an account that looks reputable for $20-$100 to use it for astroturfing then that's a pretty good deal for both sides. Shitty deal for everyone else.

That and building convincing personas for propaganda and PR. An account agreeing with pro corporate policies is more convincing if it has a long post history.