Israel describes a permanent cease-fire in Gaza as a ‘nonstarter,’ undermining Biden’s proposal to World – 265 points –
Israel describes a permanent cease-fire in Gaza as a ‘nonstarter,’ undermining Biden’s proposal

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Palestine has never existed as a country or had agreed upon borders. The UN resolution setting it's borders was never agreed upon by the Palestinian or Arab side. So why should they have borders, if they refused to agree to borders that were actually more generous that what they have now and instead just attacked Israel?

Ukraine is an established country with established and recognized borders. So no, Russia can't keep parts of it.

Generous like giving 55% of the land to jews when they only owned 7% and who was recent foreigner that came from all over the world? Putin is claiming that ukraine didn't exists and was part of russia. So there's no difference between israel and russia excuses

They only owned 7%, because they were LEGALLY second class citizens with fewer rights and privileges than Muslims.

In the case of Ukraine, only Russia is disputing the borders. In the case of Israel/Palestine, almost nobody agrees on borders. There's a massive list of different borders over the years, and there's never been agreement on any of them.

The international community agree with the pre 1967 borders. Arabs didn't have any privileges over jews.

The international community doesn't agree on the 1967 borders, some specific countries do. It's still in dispute among others, including by groups of Palestinians.

And yes, the Muslims did have more privileges, primarily they paid less tax.