1 Post – 485 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

National Christians

NatC for short.

What a fucking click bait title.

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Well, the biggest problem with this situation and using the term "innocent" is that the vast majority of Gazans support Hamas and supported the attack on Oct 7th.,respected%20Palestinian%20polling%20institute%20found.

72% support for the attack.

I don't consider those people innocent.

Life isn't fair.

There isn't some sort of right to fairness.

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So they're pretty much on target.

What's the diplomatic solution? Give in to terrorists and let them attack again?

That's exactly what happened in Ukraine with Crimea and we've all seen how that turned out.

These groups both want the same land. Somebody has to not get their way.

Humans are social animals, you're the odd one out here from a social perspective, not that you're not entitled to that choice but choices have consequences.

I'd suggest just ignoring them. You aren't going to find a better work environment anywhere else unless you literally have no coworkers.

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"no proof of an illicit deal"

The money IS the proof of the illicit deal, they gave him money when there was no legal or reasonable reason to give him money.

"We wanted to just give away money" isn't a legal reason for anyone who isn't recording for a you tube channel at this point.

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Nah, we're far too resourceful to be killed by climate change.

It may take out large chunks of the global population, but we will adapt with technology to be able to still sustain billions of humans.

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My abortion was okay, it was for a republican politician's baby, and he flew me out of state


The only problem I have with this is that USB-C PD can only go to 240w, which is fine for most laptops but my current gaming laptop has a 240w power brick and it only has a 3060 in it. The 3080 and 3090 variants had 300w+ bricks IIRC.

I don't live in India, but I hope gaming laptops get some sort of exception if their power draw can exceed the specification limits.

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Still considered a laptop, they have low power modes for unplugged use.

Fun fact, costed is a word but has a slightly different meaning than the way you have used it.

Costed means to get the details on the cost of something complex. Like "I costed the three projects and the last one is cheapest"

You tried to use it as the past tense of cost, but the past tense of cost is also just cost.

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Weight is gained or lost in the kitchen.

Exercise has everything to do with health, and very little to do with weight.

They need cooking classes, and education around how to properly estimate calories.

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Richest country in the world...


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I use Photopea, it's a website so no download and does 99% of what Photoshop and GIMP can do.

Made by a single Ukrainian developer, and free (with some ads on the side while you're using it)

Why do a quarter think that it's the same or easier?

This isn't a subjective thing, it's 100% proven at this point.

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I can't wait for the new expansion. It looks fucking amazing.

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What do people hope to get out of watching an MMA fight?

Same answer here, they're just looking for entertainment. They have a man they like in the ring, and they're hoping he throws a few good punches at that other bad guy.

When you attack someone stronger than you, it usually does not end well. They can try, but there will be further consequences.

It took a few hundred thousand middle eastern civilians dying after 9/11 before anyone started complaining and even that did not lead to this level of protest.

People are ok with violence if its their country that has been attacked.

The one thing even Americans who have health insurance don't realize about single payer healthcare systems, is that we don't worry about it.

We don't consider it when switching jobs, we don't think about it when we're sick, we don't worry about medical bills.... we just go to the doctor/hospital, and worry about getting better or dealing with the work implications of taking time off.

The weight for that piece simply doesn't rest on our shoulders or minds at all.

You've been tricked and brainwashed you into thinking what you have is normal, and it's disturbing how many of you think it's a reasonable way to continue.

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In the United States, parody is protected by the First Amendment as a form of expression.

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Screen manufacturers just did a similar thing with the jump from 1080p to 4k

The 1080 part of the original number referred to the number of pixels from top to bottom, 4k refers to left to right. 4k is actually only 2160 from top to bottom though (at the same aspect ratio).

So they quadrupled the number when it should have only doubled, and it was entirely a marketing thing.

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Because like most republicans, he's a hypocrite.

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Focused on trying to stop the next one in every way except restricting guns, or funding mental health care, or reducing hate, or... Well anything that takes more than thoughts and prayers.

What a country.

System working as intended in the US.

Tieing healthcare to work wasn't an accident.

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The ones voting for him are listening. That's exactly what they think they want want. The average republican voter is simply too stupid to understand the long term implications of their choices. This is the same stupid push that led to Brexit.

They're being controlled by the smart republicans that are using it to enrich themselves at others expense.

While democrats do this kind of manipulation too, at least they aren't pushing straight up authoritarianism.

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I swear the US is fucked at this point. We're watching the collapse of the American empire in real-time. I expect a USSR style split in my lifetime, and a whole lot of upset rubes who thought that they could just pretend reality didn't exist and things would go well for them.

I just don't know which state(s) are going to split off first. Will it be the western states together, a handful of north eastern states, or will some bastard grouping of southern states decide they've had enough. Stay tuned!

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Bought and paid for by Russia

Christian Republicans...

Is it Christian republicans?

X is now a Right wing porn website.


I wonder how long the credit card companies are going to allow it. It's always been Visa and Mastercard pulling out(lol) that's pressured other major websites to remove the sexual content.

The basic problem is that to get 1000 calories of beef, you need to feed the cow something like 10,000 calories. So growing a cow is actually growing an entire field of wheat/corn/etc., then feeding it to the cow, then eating the cow.

Farming all of those crops for the animals takes up a lot of land, consumes fresh water, produces wastes, and uses oil/gas (for farm equipment directly, or to produce things like nitrogen fertilizers) which produces co2. Cows also produce methane (that's the fart thing) which is a bad greenhouse gas.

You could just eat the wheat/corn/etc. directly (most of the time) and skip the meat step therefore saving a massive amount of environmental impact.

Meat sure is tasty though.

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I'd argue that the initial sign up week people should not be classified as "daily active users" Lots of people will check something out when it launches, I'd only start measuring actual usage after a month or two.

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This is not difficult to deal with, setup an account on another server and stop using

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Not as many as you think, a water heater only has 3 times the electrical capacity of a standard wall outlet. So probably less than 6-10 Keurigs, but you'd need them on 4-5 (or more) separate circuits otherwise you'd blow the breakers.

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How is she supposed to manipulate it for the benefit of her god if she does that?

It's absolutely ludicrous to think that a president should be immune legally for everything they do as a President.

Honestly, at that point Joe should just pull a gun and shoot him during a debate... Immunity, right?

That's not how any of this should work. The courts better figure this shit out properly, or the nation is done for.

A lot of the time, they just suffer without the aid they need.

I varies a lot though, depending on where and what your disability is.

Wheelchairs do exist in prisons. Wheelchair users often use the ground floor cells.

People with guide dogs generally don't need them in the restricted environment of a prison because they can simply memorize the layout like they would their home. Guide dogs are for more dynamic situations usually.

Serious mental disabilities often end up in mental institutions instead of prisons, they're often found not criminally responsible for their actions.

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Other countries don't pay tariffs, people who buy the products do. So regular people.

I don't think many nonviolent offences should result in life imprisonment, but this should be one of them.

Fuck this guy.