[US] I'm hesitating launching my own business because I'd lose health insurance for my family. What are my options?

GiddyGap@lemm.ee to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 121 points –

I have everything pretty much ready to launch full time. Time, skills, customers, support from family. But I'd leave my current job behind and with it my family's health insurance for the foreseeable future. I can't afford any of the options I've seen. It's the one thing holding me back. Any ideas for affordable health insurance for startups? If you've been in the same situation, what did you end up doing?


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System working as intended in the US.

Tieing healthcare to work wasn't an accident.

iT sTifLeS iNnoVaTiON

Yeah you know what really stifles innovation? Our healthcare system being such a quintessential, categorical piece of shit that people don’t want to start a company because then they’d have to deal with the Wild West of unsubsidized insurance in a political environment where health insurance has successfully executed regulatory capture of all relevant laws and agencies.

in a political environment where health insurance has successfully executed regulatory capture of all relevant laws and agencies.

Well said. It blew my mind when Obamacare, and my Massachusetts Romneycare before it, turned "giving people healthcare" into "giving people health insurance".

People wanted health care, they pretended to give it to us, and they ensured it meant more profit for the industry.

I don't like that.

I was actually part of a startup in Europe some years ago. Healthcare was not part of the equation.

yup. granted post obamacare its not as bad as before. Just like half a loaf is better than no loaf.