Rule to – 226 points –

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I was going to roll my eyes at another "is this loss?" comment and move on, but then I looked at the strip again, and yes ot is. How did it get everywhere like this?

We could save so much bandwidth by replacing all loss graphics with the string "122L" and a short explanation of the specific circumstances.

That's a very interesting basis for a lossy compression algorithm.

I reckon it won't be long before we can just replace these sorts of inages with a short prompt and just have an AI generate the image on demand. We can swap bandwidth usage for energy usage instead. I'm not sure that's a good trade, but with the way the internet is going that just makes it more likely to happen.


This is a really good idea! We should start immediately standardising like you suggest!

Actually, now I think about it... maybe it's not the kind of thing we could convince people to get on board with in useful number...


You shall be my first disciple. Go forth and spread the good word of 122L! Soon all who read it shall know it's true meaning.
