German officials regret not lifting ban on Ukraine striking targets in Russia sooner to World – 188 points –
German officials regret not lifting ban on Ukraine striking targets in Russia sooner

German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck has said he regrets that the government led by Olaf Scholz did not allow Ukraine to deploy Western-supplied weapons to strike military targets in Russia sooner.

Source: Robert Habeck in an interview with Augsburger Allgemeine, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Habeck said that Ukraine should be allowed to do what it needs to prevent Russian attacks and protect the lives of civilians.

A ban on striking military targets in Russia means that more people might die, he explained.

"The permission currently covers a strictly localised area around Kharkiv. For self-defence, for protection. But it’s true that the decision we made could’ve been made earlier," Habeck said.


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When Berlin is attacked, perhaps they will change their minds?

Yes, I'm quite confident Russia will choose to attack 1) one of their biggest trading partners, 2) a NATO nation, 3) a nation with compulsory military activity and relatively high governmental spending on defense, 4) a neighbor to a nuclear nation who also is part of NATO.

In one comment you mention not wanting war, in this one you mention wanting to have a country attacked. Which is it?

Please go simp for a weak nation somewhere else.

For Vatniks, "peace" means passively letting Russia do what it wants.