Does anyone actually enjoy working out? to – 611 points –

I can imagine people having fun getting lost in the flow of playing a competitive sport. I've also heard some people experience a post-workout high. But does anyone actually feel pleasure in the moment while lifting weights, jogging, cycling, etc?

If so... what does it feel like? Is there anything the rest of us can do to cultivate such a mindset?


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Apparently I'm in the minority here but I love working out. Specifically powerlifting. Cardio is ok after the fact but I don't particularly enjoy it during, but lifting heavy is a huge stress relief and something I look forward to daily.

I like running in the morning. It gives me energy for the whole day.

That's how I feel as well, I lift first thing in the morning before work and I feel like it helps carry me through the day.

Also helps to feel accomplished honestly, despite how shitty the rest of the day may be at least I did something to better myself.

I just dont understand. Its so incredibly boring. Like the physical equivalent of doing complex math problems for no reason.

I'd equate it more closely to reading a book as a leisure activity as there are noted benefits to both but neither are strictly necessary for survival.

There's also a degree of mental conditioning to it as well. Once you start feeling and seeing the results, it reinforces the workout itself as the activity responsible for that and makes the workout itself more enjoyable as a result.

Plus I just enjoy pushing myself. Mentally and physically I enjoy a challenge and powerlifting is an easily quantifiable way to accomplish that.

Yeah im not saying exercise itself is pointless, just going to a gym and lifting is the most tedious way to exercise. To use your reading example, playing a sport like tennis or football, or riding a bike through a trail or something would be like reading a story book, whereas going to the gym would be like reading a dictionary or an encyclopedia.

If its what you enjoy, more power to you. but i really dont get it.

I respect other people's hobbies and try not to take anything away from them. But I completely agree with you, it's like, hey look at that really heavy rock, I think I'm gonna lift it up and put it down 100 times, yeah that sounds really fun wooooh! I just don't get it.

With powerlifting the goal is to lift it just once so you can say you did, and to increase the amount over time. I hate lifting more than 3 reps lol.