Is there any closed source android app that you wish had a good open source alternative? to Open – 207 points –

I'm currently looking to develop an open source app that can help somebody. I'm currently out of ideas, so I'd like to heard if from you guys.

Sorry if it seems to lazy to ask for ideas like that, I just thought that I could do it since the result will be a free app.


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There's lots of FOSS music players, but none of them have a volume slider / preamp. The Android volume slider is always either too loud or quiet so I have to make fine adjustments using the preamp in JetAudio. If someone could add that to an existing music player that'd be cool.

And one that could handle a decent sized library (10s of thousands). One of the few places I'm happy to pay for it, Poweramp will let you buy a licence without google services. If you've already bought it and are on GrapheneOS you can enable play services for (3?) days and it stays good after you disable play services. I seldom shill, but here we are...

You can do this in VLC, though it's not very practical. VLC's equalizer has a preamp slider, it's just not great if you want to change it all the time.