Can You Use Raspberry Pi 5 as a Desktop Computer? to – 71 points –

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Wasn't aware of that last one, thats not great..

Im not married to brave and would switch if i found something better, but the first two points seem like a non-issue to me tbh. The auto complete is coming from their free search engine. What do you think happens when a service with ongoing costs is free?

As for the second one, I did mention to just turn off all the crypto stuff... The way they do it is fairly common with general donations elsewhere anyway.

I just find brave works well on all my devices, and has a good cross device sync. Nothing else I have tried could match it.

What's wrong with Firefox? They've been around a long time and are currently in a good spot as far as speed/compatibility goes

I have tried it out a few times in the last couple of years and inevitably run into sites that just won't work with it. Especially at work. I keep hoping it gets better, but it never seems to.

I can understand that. Given even edge runs a modified chromium if I recall correctly, everything is being developed for that. I use edge since its built in when sites aren't working, which isn't often for me. That said, on my work laptop, I use exclusively edge.