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Joined 1 years ago

You're supposed to shoot against the wind.

Not sure what height has to do with anything.

He's a narcissist with delusions of grandeur and doesn't know when to give up. He's set both Russia and Ukraine back significantly with little to show for it so far.

Putin deserves to lose.

The solution is so simple to me. Please explain why we can't just have gender neutral bathrooms with actually private stalls/changing rooms and just a shared handwashing area?

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I really don't understand how the Wagner group can exist. Like what are you fighting for? It doesn't seem worth it.

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It doesn't help that it was a shitty election cycle. People didn't vote and are in shock that the republican won where turnout was 36% of registered voters because people assumed the jungle primary would cause a dem and repub to move forward when in fact, of that 36%, Landry won outright with 51%.

Im not saying he wouldn't have won anyways, but it would have been much closer if people would actually vote.

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Innocent until proven guilty only applies in the courts. For everywhere else, it seems to be guilty until proven innocent, and sometimes still guilty despite proof.

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Doesn't matter if we don't actually go vote.

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My only concern is that they'd decide he's a martyr and claim the deep state killed him.....

Seriously, is there no way out of this bs?

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At this point, if you don't support the genocide and forceful taking of land in Gaza, you're antisemitic.

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They are definitely trying to manifest a war

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Short answer: yes

Web browsers also eat ram.

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My vote is password manager. You can use 1 really good password for it and as many stupidly good passwords anywhere else since youre likely auto filling or pasting it in.

Just if your using it locally, remember to take a backup.

Send it

Right? We get it, the GOP wants to watch the world burn.

A bad battery

Turnout was terrible, the leading dem had a very very lackluster campaign, it's a jungle primary system so there was hope if there was a runoff but people didn't show up to the polls and this is our reckoning. Hopefully it's not as bad as it appears it can be.

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Yes. Your vote matters.

People may not need to write often, but they definitely still need to know how to write.

Many are just trying to make the best out of what we have and it often feels like we have such little impact on these things happening across the country, let along in other parts of the world. The world population approaches 8 billion. Our impact is often meaningful in some way, but incredibly limited overall.

How can someone truly help with something across the world, like Ukraine/Russia and now Israel/Gaza, when conflict is constant and many also have to simply survive, in the face of entities that are capable of spending trillions of dollars.

We need this from the New York post or one of those sites.

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Well that sounds like a creative way to be screwed over.

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Is France OK?

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(38 mill/3.1bil)*100=1.2258 roughly

The fact that Bernie has been in office so long is a testament that there is plenty of room for more like him.

I like your idea

It sucks that people are laid off but I'm not shocked. I can't imagine the launcher raking in tons of cash. Maybe it does, but I wouldn't expect it to. Honestly I'm surprised that nova wasn't just a passion project by someone.

If you call or go in, always ask if they can see if they can get the best price for you and say you saw a good deal somewhere but couldn't remember exactly what it was.

Domino's hates selling smalls so they're typically the most expensive. They sell significantly more medium and large than small.

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In a lot of ways it's disappointing.

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Ai has begun to be used interchangeably with all kinds of automation. Not that I agree with it, but it's the current golden child.

I think a lot of people are exhausted from weaponized health care. People want affordable coverage. Not the most expensive, least efficient health care in the world.

People have a hard time with nuance.

I wouldn't put it past her.

I'm shocked you assumed this. Most people develop what makes the money. I'm not even sure who's trying to develop anti deepfake tech.

What's wrong with Firefox? They've been around a long time and are currently in a good spot as far as speed/compatibility goes

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And games!

Fair. I guess I just mean he won with less than 20% of registered voters so it's difficult for us to know if it's a fluke since dems did not come out to vote

Anecdotal, being from Louisiana, this is what I've been pressured with my entire life.

Honestly if people feel like it's in the bag, they're less likely to vote. Seeing losses might encourage higher turnout to overcorrect and this might well be how we end up with Trump again.

Yeah I'm with you. I don't get it. All I know is foreign policy is complex and I probably don't know enough to effectively weigh in on it. But this seems like a bad stance for the US, which I happen to be part of, to take.