Pioneering ‘shark skin’ tech could propel China ahead of US in jet engine race

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to – -7 points –
Pioneering ‘shark skin’ tech could propel China ahead of US in jet engine race

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What system are you thinking? I'm sure the US can emulate it. Obviously systems can detect stealth aircraft if they're right on top of them, it just makes the targeting effective radius small enough to be nearly useless. Detecting doesn't mean much if it's just a notification that there's a stealth aircraft somewhere within 100mi.

The sources you gave earlier about detecting stealth are low frequency radars. And they said they're good for detecting stealth fighters. Stealth bombers are more tuned for low frequency. (hence their goofy shape) Plus low frequency is very very difficult to get a direction to the target because of it's scattering, it moreso just tells you there's something there.

Kinzhal (the missile the articles are talking about) is the ballistic missile I was taking about, it's not a hypersonic maneuvering missile.

Detecting doesn’t mean much if it’s just a notification that there’s a stealth aircraft somewhere within 100mi.

Guess how long it takes a hypersonic weapons to cross 100mi.

The sources you gave earlier about detecting stealth are low frequency radars. And they said they’re good for detecting stealth fighters. Stealth bombers are more tuned for low frequency.

This is publicly known unclassified technology, if you don't think that military tech is more sensitive then what can I say.

Kinzhal (the missile the articles are talking about) is the ballistic missile I was taking about, it’s not a hypersonic maneuvering missile.

And best US air defence system can't even deal with it, let alone faster missiles. Thanks for making my argument for me. Meanwhile, Russia will now be exercising patrols around US coast with ships capable of carrying nuclear capable Zircon missiles, that can hit US mainland in seconds.

Also, maybe you can explains why burgerland is testing hypersonic missiles. According to your "logic", there is no reason for US to be trying to build them since its already got stealth bombers. Yet, for some weird reason, US military doesn't think they're enough. It's as if your whole argument is complete bullshit.

Did I ever say hypersonics were ineffective? I said they were expensive. And that stealth bombers are also effective at the ground attack role. Nothing you've sourced has contradicted that.

Aside from that, ballistic missiles can also get though most air defenses. MAD still works because you can't be sure about reliability shooting down the missiles. Having even better more expensive ones doesn't really change the math, which is why Zircon is so stupid.

Since China is now getting carriers, the US is testing hypersonics.

So you've finally acknowledged that hypersonics do in fact have uses that aren't filled by bombers. Only took you a week to do it. I'm so proud of you.

Did I ever say hypersonics were ineffective? I said they were expensive. And that stealth bombers are also effective at the ground attack role. Nothing you’ve sourced has contradicted that.

Nowhere did you substantiate the claim that hypersonics are more expensive than making bombers along with their arsenal. In fact, it's not clear why hypersonics would be more expensive to produce than regular missiles that bombers would carry.

Aside from that, ballistic missiles can also get though most air defenses. MAD still works because you can’t be sure about reliability shooting down the missiles. Having even better more expensive ones doesn’t really change the math, which is why Zircon is so stupid.

Zircon can carry tactical nuclear weapons, it's hilarious that you don't understand the importance of that. Zircon was never meant to change the balance in MAD, that's what Buervestnik is for

I always said hypersonics are better at taking down carriers from my first comment here. But China didn't have effective carriers. Hence why the US didn't need them.

I said the US ones were extremely expensive, and you agreed. And that cost is the one that matters for the US.

Nuclear weapons aren't useful in a conventional conflict by definition. So what is Zircon for if it's not for MAD nuclear warfare and not for conventional warfare?

Hypersonics are obviously better at taking down all sorts of targets. Claiming that carriers are somehow a unique target for hypersonics is a baseless argument.

I said the US ones were extremely expensive, and you agreed. And that cost is the one that matters for the US.

The US military industrial complex loves expensive weapons, just look at the F-35 having ballooned to over 2 trillion now. Siphoning tax dollars out of the economy and putting it in the hands of the oligarchs that own this industry is literally the whole point.

Nuclear weapons aren’t useful in a conventional conflict by definition. So what is Zircon for if it’s not for MAD nuclear warfare and not for conventional warfare?

Tactical nuclear weapons exist last I checked. Both US and Russia have them. Russia already said there are cases where they would use them.

Just over 1 min to close 100mi. That's actually much longer than I was thinking.