Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value to – 354 points –
Casper Van Dien is loving the Starship Troopers renaissance but still finds it mind-boggling some take it at face value: 'My grandfather fought against the Nazis, and it's not a pro-war film—Everybody f***ing dies!'

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Maybe my memory is a bit hazy, but the bugs actually annihilate a city, right?

The bugs were alleged to send an asteroid from another solar system and hit Earth. Logically, the bugs would have to know hundreds of years that they were going to get in a war with the Humans, know how to shoot an asteroid across the galaxy, and know exactly Earth was going to be for the asteroid to hit.

Is it surprising that people might miss that, though? Especially if they don't already agree with the antifascist message.

I missed it and wasn't brought to my attention years later that the movie was satire on fascism. I always took it as a dumb action movie.

The bugs don't launch the asteroids ballistically, they are launched superluminally as can be seen by the gravity singularity that Denise Richards detects when they (almost) avoid the asteroid.