Armenian leader announces plan to leave Russia-dominated security alliance (CSTO) as ties with Moscow sour to World – 159 points –
Armenian leader announces plan to leave Russia-dominated security alliance as ties with Moscow sour

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A surprise to very few people.

Yeah I’m not surprised. Russia left them high and dry, CSTO isn’t worth being in.

Like everything else about the west, NATO was also presented as just a paper tiger and not even worth the paper of the founding document. The cynical way Russians view the world is through their own exceptionalism, and if we can't do it.. noone can. Like the Americans.. but then with less value on human life and dignity.

And if you repeat lies long enough you start believing them yourself. Now it turns put CSTO is just the Russian goon squad cosplaying as NATO.

Although I dont think anyone knows what would happen if 2 NATO countries would end up in an open war.

Azerbaijan isn’t in CTSO though

True, they where till 99. Hence the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan should have brought down the Cato hammer. And when it does not I can imagine that staying is not an option.